- Satsuma Vidro Industrial Arts
- Satsuma Vidro / Satsuma Kiriko Flashed Glass "Suiren" Azure Blue & Green Sake Cup 60ml 57775 萨摩切子 双层套色 "水帘"' 琉璃/绿色 酒盅
Satsuma Vidro / Satsuma Kiriko Flashed Glass "Suiren" Azure Blue & Green Sake Cup 60ml 57775 萨摩切子 双层套色 "水帘"' 琉璃/绿色 酒盅
What is Satsuma Kiriko? / 萨摩切子的特点
Satsuma kiriko are the products of crystal cut glass including 24% - 25% lead. First, we put colored glass on clear glass, and made cutting on surfaces. After that, they are polished characteristics are the thickness of the colored glass (1 mm - 2 mm) and the gradation made by cutting on the border of the layers between colored glass and clear glass.
But it is very difficult to put colored glass equally are over a surface of clear glass. And many skills are required for the cutting moreover, mass-production by machine is impossible, so, most of the processes are done by handwork.
萨摩切子(Satsuma Kiriko)是指从幕末至明治初期,萨摩藩(又名鹿儿岛藩,日本江户时代的属地)所生产的切子玻璃工艺品。萨摩切子最大的特点是切面的"晕染"效果。在透明玻璃上套入彩色玻璃而制成的"套色玻璃"。当时在全国只有萨摩藩掌握着这种技术。 将厚厚的彩色玻璃一点点削薄,颜色随之越来越淡,从而打造出浓淡渐变的"晕染"效果。 以及,除了晕染之外,大幅度的深雕琢也是萨摩切子的特点。
The history of Satsuma kiriko / 切子的历史
Satsuma kiriko is the name of the crystal cut glass made in Kagoshima prefecture. (Kagoshima prefecture was called Satuma in the Edo period.) Shimadzu Narioki(the 27 th feudal Lord of the shimadzu family in Satsuma) needed to produce the glass products for medicine, and invited the craftsman of grass, Yotsumoto Kamejiro from Edo. Narioki started the development and production of the hard glass first in Japan.
At the same time, Kamejiro was requested to cut glass. After that, Shimadzu Nariakira, the 28 th Lord, who company with Siebold. The German doctor and natural historian, and learned much about the civilization of Europe, planned the further progress of the crystal cut glass in 1851. Shortly afterwards, He succeeded in producing the red crystal cut glass. Thanks to the red color of the dark and semitransparent glass, the name of Satuma kiriko sprung into fame. However, after nariakira died, the glass factory at iso area was reduced. (Nariakira had established factories and laboratories there.) Moreover, because of Satsuei senso (the battle between Satsuma and England) in 1863, the factory was destroyed completely.
About 120 years after that, Satsuma kiriko was restored at Iso area in Kagoshima in 1985. Our company, Satsuma vidor co., Ltd. was established in 1994 by some of the craftsmen who had engaged in the restoration. Now, besides the restoration, we make many types of original glass products and are highly appreciated within and without Kagoshima.
As the proof our production, a logo of "satsuma" is engraved onto each of our product. Please be reminded that, due to the nature of a handmade article, the real product may somewhat differ in colors and weights.
在位于鹿儿岛县北部,satsuma町的清流淙淙作响的观音瀑公园(観音滝公園)内,萨摩Vidro工艺于1994年在此处创立,建造工作室并开始制作萨摩切子。最初以复原金红·琉璃·蓝色的萨摩切子为主,1997年发表以忠实复原萨摩切子为目标的第四种颜色"绿"色,同时被指定为鹿儿岛县传统工艺品。2000年于鹿儿岛市工艺展获得鹿儿岛商工会议所会头赏,2006年开始了萨摩黑切子的贩卖。 萨摩Vidro工艺以复原萨摩切子为中心,致力于制作新的创作萨摩切子、吹制水晶玻璃作品,获得了来自县内外的高度评价。
萨摩切子(Satsuma Kiriko)是指从幕末至明治初期,萨摩藩(又名鹿儿岛藩,日本江户时代的属地)所生产的切子玻璃工艺品。萨摩切子最大的特点是切面的"晕染"效果。在透明玻璃上套入彩色玻璃而制成的"套色玻璃"。当时在全国只有萨摩藩掌握着这种技术。 将厚厚的彩色玻璃一点点削薄,颜色随之越来越淡,从而打造出浓淡渐变的"晕染"效果。 以及,除了晕染之外,大幅度的深雕琢也是萨摩切子的特点。
Please handle Satsuma kiriko with care as below. / 购买须知
* Satsuma kiriko is not a heat-resistant glass. When boiling hot water is poured, it will crack.
* Crystal is a soft glass. Avoid possible damage by contact with each other.
* Embay in lukewarm water including dishwashing detergent and wash carefully with a sponge or a piece od cloth. Occasionally was polished surfaces with a soft brush.
Brand Quality
Shipping Cost
The overseas shipping is provided by Japan Post Co., Ltd.
*shipping fee automatically calculated based on the weight of your order according to EMS rates. The shipping fee depends on the weight. - See more details of International charges other than shipping fee
The shipping in Japan is provided by Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
We fix the shipping fee to a nationwide flat fee 660JPY per parcel, but in case your order over 20,000JPY in total without consumption tax of 10% and any handling charges, the shipping is free of charge.
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