How Le Noble manage the things? Take a look into our warehouse!

The biggest warehouse of Le Noble is located in Nagaoka city which belongs to Kyoto Prefecture This is a third floor building and was renew in this year. It is full with tableware products from all over the world and equip with robot machines for carrying goods,
which is cost more than 100 million Japanese Yen!
Busy all the time!

Big Containers coming everyday from overseas.

Open the boxes, checking the invoices, counting and categorize the products.

Start to upload our stock.

This is our automated warehouse where people have no entry, only robots.

Shelves just full on with goods.

Checking one more time the invoices and quantities of items are ready to delivery.

At the same time our staff are getting busy receiving orders by email and phones.

Once we received your order we start to collect the products and inspect them very carefully.

Would you like to send your order as a gift? Don't hesitate to tell us. Our wrapping service is free and available for anybody!

Orders are ready to be delivered!

We shoot ourselves photos of the products to give you a preview of your future purchase!